‘I have been blessed enough to have been working with Sheila for about 5 years. I have used various programs that she offers including The Athletes Sports Bag for my sporting career. Although all her programs are amazing and I was always able to achieve health and healing as well as my athletic goals, her new business program is the best one yet. I took all the steps in the manual, I mapped everything out to seek clarity and purpose and within days of starting to play the sounds, the business just flowed my way and it continues to do so. I have noticed since using this business program, a profound difference in the opportunities that are coming my way as well as the opportunities that actually come to fruition. I play these sounds daily and reread some of the very informative and constructive steps in the guide to keep up this positive flow and energy of business and income that is coming my way. Thank you Sheila. I can’t recommend this program enough.’Sophia McDermottBJJ black belt
NASM CPT, FNSWebsite: www.sophiaFIT.com
Facebook: Sophia FIT
Instagram: sophiamcdermottbjj& sophia_fit_official
YouTube: SophiaFIT#bethestarofyourownlife
Very impressed as I listened to the audio for clearing the energy in a room. Sheila Kennedy you are doing some amazing work. Really hope that many more people embrace the undeniable fact that energy is all around us and we need to be aware of the frequencies around us. I am going to make playing this track a HABIT for sure. Thanks Sheila.
As a mechanic, the work that Sheila Kennedy does is not a norm in the industry as it is seen as too alternative. However, I am excited to be breaking the ice when it comes to male owned ‘hands on’ businesses to go ahead and buy the Business program for my new automotive business called ‘Westys Auto & 4WD’ in Rochester Victoria.
I contacted Sheila when I first wanted to go ahead with the lease as I was nervous going out on my own after 18 years in the field and with a baby on the way, I was not sure if it was the right time. Sheila not only offered to work on my business, but checked the workshop before I signed the contracts to ensure that it tested strong and not weak as in, would it be the best space to start my endeavour in which I happily found out it was ideal for me.It was interesting, when I went to my accountant to tell him I was going ahead to open my own workshop, I walked out on edge as he gave me the “do not get your hopes up” speech. Luckily, my wife assured me to be positive and to move forward and that’s when she told me about Sheila. Sheila was the BEST decision I made for my business.
I have been flooded with customers from day 1. Yes, no word of a lie. 1 year later, I can happily say I am booked up 1 week ahead. What is more incredible is when COVID-19 happened, I felt sick with anxiety. How am I going to survive? How will I go with providing for my family? I contacted Sheila out of nerves and she reassured me that the effects on my business would be minor, only a 2/10 effect over all. She assured me to push forward and play my business sounds and keep doing what I was doing. AND SHE WAS RIGHT! I have been nothing but busy during a very strange time. Yes, services slowed down, however I was getting many other jobs within the field that were a great change.
DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! Purchase Sheila Kennedys business program. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.
“Sheila undertook an Energetic Business clearing and associated work for our office in June 2019. The following financial year saw a 61% increase in profit, an improvement in our already very good culture, and a progression from a high performing team to an extremely high performing team of individuals. The difference was astounding. Thank you Sheila. Your work is amazing.”
Wealth Creation versus Wealth Accumulation